一般社団法人 日本消化器内視鏡学会 Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society

  1. TOP
  2. 医療関係のみなさま
  3. お知らせ
  4. 国際関係
  5. 【再々掲】ESGE Days 2020のご案内(演題募集11月30日締切です~お急ぎください!)

【再々掲】ESGE Days 2020のご案内(演題募集11月30日締切です~お急ぎください!)


2020年4月23日~25日 →開催中止


The Convention Centre Dublin, Dublin, Ireland



JGES-ESGE joint session

“Asia meets Europe: Future Vision of endoscopic Imaging: Western vs Eastern perspective”

April 25, 2020 (08:30am – 10:30am), Wicklow Meeting Room 1 

  • IEE decision making in early upper GI cancer
  • Advanced imaging in early upper GI cancer
  • Looking inside from the outside using novel endoscopic imaging in colon
  • Endoscopic imaging in colon: Where are we in Europe?
  • AI assisted colonoscopy: No longer a dream, but now in our hands
  • European perspective on AI in the 

Message from ESGE President

ESGE invites you to submit your abstracts/videos for ESGE Days 2020, taking place in Dublin, April 23-25, 2020.
Submit your abstract/videos under one of the following 8 categories before November 30, 2019 for your chance to actively contribute to ESGE Days 2020.

• Clinical Endoscopic Practice
• Esophagus
• Stomach and small intestine
• Colon and rectum
• Endoscopic ultrasound
• Pediatric endoscopy
• Endoscopic technology

All accepted abstracts will be published in Endoscopy and travel grants be awarded to authors (40 years of age or younger) of the top scoring abstracts.

Submit your abstract/video now here: https://esgedays.org/submissions/abstract-video-submission/

Mario Dinis Ribeiro
ESGE President




