一般社団法人 日本消化器内視鏡学会 Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society

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  4. 国際関係
  5. ESGE Days 2020のご案内

ESGE Days 2020のご案内


2020年4月23日~25日 →開催中止


The Convention Centre Dublin, Dublin, Ireland




  • The full scientific programme starts from Day 1 (Thursday, April 23, 2020) – ESGE Days 2020 extensive programme includes sessions for everyone! Access https://esgedays.org/programme/
  • Registration open: Early bird deadline February 1, 2020. Register online now at https://esgedays.org/registration/ and take advantage of the reduced fees.
  • Call for abstracts opens soon! Abstracts opens October 1, 2019. Don’t miss the opportunity to present your work to an international audience.
  • Social Medias: Follow on Facebook (@esge.endoscopy) and Twitter (@ESGE_news). 

JGES-ESGE joint session

“Asia meets Europe: Future Vision of endoscopic Imaging: Western vs Eastern perspective”

April 25, 2020 (08:30am – 10:30am), Wicklow Meeting Room 1 

  • IEE decision making in early upper GI cancer
  • Advanced imaging in early upper GI cancer
  • Looking inside from the outside using novel endoscopic imaging in colon
  • Endoscopic imaging in colon: Where are we in Europe?
  • AI assisted colonoscopy: No longer a dream, but now in our hands
  • European perspective on AI in the colon



