DEN Openに新たなカテゴリー「Letter to the Editor」が追加されました。APCは無料です。是非ご投稿ください。
Letter to the Editor
Word Limit: 300 words (no use of subheaders)
Authors: Maximum of three authors.
Abstract: No abstract
References: Up to five.
Figures/Tables: No Figures/Tables/Images are acceptable.
Supporting Information: No supporting information is acceptable.
Description: Letters that comment only on Original Articles recently published may be submitted to the Editor. To ensure your response to a published article is timely, please submit your letter as soon as possible after publication of the original paper and the Editors will endeavor to include your letter in the journal.
The publication fee will be waived.
Author response: All Letters to the Editor will be sent to the author of the original article, who will have 28 days to provide a response to be published alongside the Letter.