一般社団法人 日本消化器内視鏡学会 Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society

  1. TOP
  2. 医療関係のみなさま
  3. お知らせ
  4. 国際関係
  5. KSGE Days 2024のご案内(演題募集〆切:7月31日)

KSGE Days 2024のご案内(演題募集〆切:7月31日)

Korean Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Days 2024 (KSGE Days 2024)

テーマ:Empowering Excellence in Endoscopy: Educate, Collaborate, and Innovate!
会期:September 27 (Fri)-28 (Sat), 2024
会場:Seoul Dragon City
開催形式:In Person

Organized by: Korean Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
Important Dates:

 Abstract Submission Deadline: July 31, 2024
 Notification of Abstract Acceptance: August 23, 2024
 Pre-registration Deadline: August 31, 2024

JGES会員への特典:Presenters who submit abstracts recommended by JGES will be recommended as priority recipients for free registration fees and travel grants. Please contact <info@jges.or.jp> with the abstract titles, the names of submitters and their email addresses if you are interested in.


